Emotions played a large role in 1984. Emotions helped the political party control them. It has been concluded that the primary emotion wonder was unable(p) to survive in the world theorized in the novel 1984, and this inadequacy of love helped the party control the country.
Love did not exist in 1984 and its n one(a)xistence eased the torturing process of Winston allowing him to be better controlled. The fling between Winston and Julia could be explained simply with the in classifyigence activity starve. They just wanted to kiss and sport sex. When Winston was put chthonic great pressure and torture in room 101, he abandoned Julia screaming, Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! non me! Julia! I dont superintend what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me (Orwell 286). Winston cannot be held completely responsible for his outburst for he was lastly brainwashed by the Ministry of Love. He had been brainwashed by pro-party propaganda from twenty-four hours one. It is ironic how it is the Ministry of Love that finally eradicates love from 1984.
This eradication of love gave the party more power all over the passel because lust drives people to do crazy things. It was his lust for Julia that drove Winston over the edge to attempt a rebellion more idea than his simple diary. We ar thought-criminals.
We are also adulterers. I tell you this because we want to put ourselves at your mercy (Orwell 107). Perhaps if he had stuck with his wife, his curiosity would have been forgotten and he would have resembled an clean person in the bon ton. The loss of love in the society is what causes people to become hollow and emotionless allowing easy manipulation.
The people of 1984 are not hurt by love or the lack of love which shows how control the government has over their society, because they are so influenced that they are incapable of emotional pain. How can one be hurt emotionally if they do not have emotions? Everyone has been brainwashed by Big Brother,...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay
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